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Mayfield solar development won’t hurt property values, developers say

MAYFIELD – Officials hoping to build a 4.2-megawatt commercial solar energy system in Mayfield Township believe the project won’t hurt nearby property values, according to an application submitted by plan developers.

A public hearing regarding a proposed solar development will be held at the DeKalb County Administrative building at 1 p.m. Thursday, according to county documents.

The solar project would be developed by Texas-based limited liability company CS Clare. The site would take up 40.56 acres of an 80-acre property on the west side of Johnson Road in Mayfield Township, according to a public notice for the DeKalb County Community Development Department.

The public hearing is for the special use permit required to construct and operate a commercial solar energy system on that property, which is currently for agricultural use.

As part of the special use permit application, CS Clare officials were asked if the special use would be unreasonably detrimental to the value of other property in the neighborhood.

Describing the area as rural agricultural land, CS Clare officials wrote that two residences, one to the south and the other to the east, are within 500 feet of the proposed project.

“The house to the south of the project is considered a participating residence. The house to the east will be shielded from visual impact by providing vegetative screening on the eastern side of the project thus minimizing concerns regarding the effect on adjacent property values,” the CS Clare officials wrote in the special use permit application.

Members of the public are invited to attend the public hearing on Thursday, and express their opinions on the project to the public hearing officer.

A solar farm in Squaw Grove township was narrowly approved by DeKalb County Board in June, and similar projects have been proposed and approved throughout DeKalb County in recent years. Some members of the public have previously claimed the solar sites could negatively impact generational wealth they plan to hand down to their children – their land.

CS Clare officials argue in the permit application that their proposed project wouldn’t be a detriment to nearby land values, however.

“Adjacent property values are not anticipated to be adversely impacted by the proposed use, based on property value studies conducted in Illinois as well as nationally. Additionally, there will not be any increase in daily traffic due to the construction/maintenance of the proposed project,” project officials wrote. “Therefore, there is no anticipated impact to public welfare or safety. The proposed solar facility will help the local community with power requirements.”


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