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VIDEO: My first impressions of Eurostar (London to Paris train) — Travelling Tom

For my Dad’s 60th birthday, we were taking him to the continent for a big trip, however, for a change, I wouldn’t be leaving the UK by plane, but by rail.

To start off the holiday we were down in London, ready for travel from St Pancras International – the terminal for the famous Eurostar.

Bound for Paris, we ensured a two-and-a-half-hour delay before finally getting to the City of Light, where we’d have the evening to get our bearings and explore.

But the main event of the day was heading through the Channel Tunnel, so watch this vlog for my first impressions of Eurostar, travelling from London to Paris by train.

You can watch the video below, and if you would like to support the channel, then head on over and subscribe to Travelling Tom on YouTube!

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