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TripAdvisor | Profile Page For Travel Bloggers {Update 2025}

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Post Last Modified – February 28, 2025 ¦

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New TripAdvisor Is Great For Bloggers

Have you checked out the {New Tripadvisor For Bloggers} look, introduced a few seasons ago?

If you’re a serious blogger, then you may want to have a look at their enhanced version, that may be quite useful for bloggers. Get more exposure for your blog with the …

🧭 TripAdvisor For Travel Bloggers 🧭

new format.

“Travelers Can Now Follow Friends and Travel Experts They Trust, Including Publishers, Brands and Social Media Influencers” 

Create Your TripAdvisor For Bloggers Profile Page

TripAdvisor Profile 2020

Having been a regular viewer and senior contributor since 2010, I was delighted to read a fellow bloggers review of this enhanced version of TripAdvisor.

It now, finally allows bloggers to add their clickable blog link to their profile page. It was so nice to see this after making so many contributions over the years to their site.
At last, we get something in return!

As well, the site is attempting to become more social media friendly. You can engage, comment, follow and much more with other members, right from your personal profile page. This is just another great way to discover and interact with other like minded individuals and businesses around the world!

I know if you’re like me and many others who are becoming increasingly discouraged with; Facebook, this version of {TripAdvisor for Travel Bloggers} is great to see.

facebook thumbs down

It’s sad that we have to pay or “boost” our posts on Facebook for example, in order to get exposure these days. Sure, there’s some excellent groups to follow, but in order for our posts on our; Facebook Business Pages to get seen by non followers, they now want us to pay for it!

It’s great to see TripAdvisor step up and allow their members to become more interactive and have their travel blog links now {clickable}, directly from ones profile page!

The TripAdvisor For Bloggers New Look

tripadvisor photos page

If you haven’t already, simply; Signup and Join. It’s easy and its absolutely free!

Create your personal profile, add a short bio and follow the steps and add your blog link to your profile. You can even create your own profile cover banner header, giving you your very own unique look.

Now when people read your reviews, they can click on your name if they wish and go directly to your home profile page. From there, they can see your clickable link that will take them right to your blog.

A super way to increase your online presence and drive more traffic to your blog!

Followers And Following On TripAdvisor

tripadvisor reviews page

From your home profile page, you and others can see who you are following and who is following you. This gives you the opportunity to see everyone else that has created an account on TripAdvisor.
You can click on their profile and check them out.

See their reviews, photographs, who their following and much more!

Profile Main Menu

tripadvisor badges page

The main menu on your profile page gives a number of options for visitors to look at. For example;

Activity Feed, Trips, Reviews, Photos, Badges, Travel Map 

They can check your activity on TripAdvisor, all your reviews you’ve posted, your photographs, colorful fun badges you’ve earned and a travel map of destinations you’ve visited over the years.

Your Trips On TripAdvisor

tripadvisor trips page

What I really like, is that you can create trips on your; Trip Page. You can make this public or private if you wish. Create a trip to a destination you’ve traveled to, add your reviews for others to see and much more.

This is excellent for people who are planning a trip and who are looking for some suggestions. They can read honest reviews from legitimate members and bloggers on; hotels, dining, tours, attractions and much more, for trip planning.

Perhaps you’re planning an upcoming trip of your own and just want to keep it private.

Not a problem. When you create a trip, it gives you the option of {public or private}. A great tool for putting together a trip of your own and adding things you would like to see and do on your travels!

tripadvisor interactive map

It’s exciting to see them step up to the plate and offer this new feature to fellow bloggers and members. I’ve made review contributions for a number of years on TripAdvisor, but really didn’t see any substantial traffic increase to my blog.

I’m hoping this will improve, with the new {clickable link} you can now add to your profile page. In just a couple of days of starting, I’ve received 42 Followers from others who have signed up and those using TripAdvisor.

Final Thoughts Banner

There you have it, check it out and get started!

Below, I’ve included the website link on TripAdvisor’s media release a while back, on their new;
“Going Social and Getting Personal” to learn more.

tripadvisor logo


Be sure to check my profile out and follow along. I will definitely return the favor and look forward to reading your; reviews, viewing your travel photos and more on TripAdvisor.

Gr8 Travel Tips Logo

 Gr8 Travel Tips TripAdvisor Page

Update Banner

Update 2025

Although I still enjoy this platform, it doesn’t really appear to be taking off as anticipated. For some reason and unfortunately, they have changed their format since inception.
It appears you can no longer access your page feed, to see what others you have followed are posting.

I do hope they bring this feature back, which I really enjoyed from the start. However, it’s still great to have a free personal profile page. It’s another excellent way for increased exposure, along with adding a direct link to your blog page.

Can’t beat that!

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Safe and Healthy Travels!

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

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Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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