Welcome to September’s edition of Traveller of the Month! Each month I’m featuring a fellow world traveller and travel blogger to share their travel stories and wisdom with all of you.
Without further ado, please meet September’s Traveller of the Month: Victoria (she/her) from The Art of Roaming! I’m super excited to feature Victoria, who is an RV travel expert. I haven’t done much RV-ing, so I love that she shares more about this very cool way to travel.
And if you missed last month’s, get to know Emma here!
Please introduce yourself! What is your travel story?
Hi! I’m Victoria and I’m on an RV Road Trip across the United States, in search of a hometown. Originally from the Bay Area, California, I joined the Navy right out of high school and have not stopped travelling since.
St. Augustine Lighthouse, FL
How did you decide to start your travel blog and what sort of stories do you share there?
I started my travel blog to help current and aspiring RVers. I’d like to think there’s something there for everyone.
Overall, I strive to deliver a straight to the point and honest perspective. This particular lifestyle can be incredibly challenging and I think it’s important to give a transparent insight so when the lows inevitably hit, people can say “Okay, this is manageable.”
What do you do when you’re not travelling or writing about travel?
Well, I’m technically always travelling. But, when I have some time to pursue other passions, I’m creating in the kitchen. Cooking is my love language.
Kootenai Falls, MT
How does your medical condition impact the way you travel?
I have lived with Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 12 years now, and it can become challenging with the RV lifestyle. Seeking medical attention can be inconvenient and stressful.
Additionally, we’ve had days where we had to leave but my mobility was so limited that all the pack up chores fell solely on my partner’s shoulders. Luckily, I have more good days than bad so for now this lifestyle is manageable.
What is the best piece of travel advice you’ve ever heard?
When we first purchased our RV our salesman said, “It’s not about if it’ll break, it’s when.” Nothing holds truer for this lifestyle than that statement.
At first it was discouraging because within the first day we already had issues but, over the years, it’s made us better prepared for maintenance issues.
Badlands, CA
What is the longest trip you’ve ever been on? Shortest?
Longest, was our journey from Oregon to Nevada. Surviving the winter was getting increasingly difficult so we drove 14 hours just to thaw out.
The shortest was about 10 minutes from a state park to a private park. We just loved the area so much we decided to extend our stay in a nearby park with much needed amenities like laundry & full hookups.
That was a funny day because it took longer to pack up and unpack than it did to actually travel!
What travel experience is over-hyped? Under-hyped?
For me, National Parks are often over-hyped. I’ve visited a good handful of National Parks and more often than not, they are overrun.
Yellowstone was probably my favourite park so far but, we visited on the very last week before the RV camp closed. It was off season and not as crowded but still, there were days where people were fighting over parking.
Under-hyped would probably be National Monuments. Every National Monument I’ve ever been to has been a great way to spend an afternoon and I’ve always walked away more knowledgeable.
Yellowstone National Park
What is still on your travel bucket list?
I would like to see Niagara Falls!
What’s a destination you wish more people would visit?
We recently visited the Schoodic Peninsula in Maine. It’s actually a lesser traveled part of Acadia National Park. Located about an hour away from the more popular part of Acadia, this little peninsula has breathtaking views with less crowds.
What destination would you go back to over and over again? What destination would you never go back to?
Oregon was certainly beautiful. I would never say no to exploring there again.
New Mexico was kind of rough for us, and though I wouldn’t say “never again.” It would just take a lot for me to get excited to revisit.
Horsetail Falls, OR
How do you overcome homesickness on the road?
I call my parents and make family recipes. Nothing brings me more comfort than eating food from my childhood.
What’s your favourite travel snack?
I feel like I’m gonna get a lot of crap for this but…boiled eggs.
Keep in mind, I’m travelling in my home with my fridge. But usually I’ll boil 4-6 eggs a day or two before we travel or explore. I love eggs, just one can fill you up and give you so much energy.
Who do you most love to travel with and why?
My cat, Dooty. He has my heart. He has adjusted so well to travel and leash training. I am so proud to say that he has touched and explored every single state we’ve been to.
Dooty explores Idaho
How has your travel style changed and evolved over the years?
I would like to say that I’m less neurotic when it comes to my travel style, but that wouldn’t be true. I’m a planner and I hate surprises. It’s just my nature.
But I will say, I have developed the ability to adapt and come up with quick creative solutions.
How do you keep your wanderlust up when you’re stuck at home?
That’s the best thing about RVing! I am home and when I have wanderlust, I just plan our next travel leg.
Great Falls, MT
What is your biggest travel mistake?
Thinking that the RV lifestyle would be easy going, cheap, and stress free.
What travel moment are you most proud of?
Pulling the trigger, buying the RV & just doing it.
Lastly, where can we find you online?
Blog: The Art of Roaming | RV Travel and the Digital Nomad Life
Instagram: Instagram
Thank you for joining my Traveller of the Month series, Victoria! Head on over to The Art of Roaming for more RV adventures and stay tuned for October’s Traveller of the Month!
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