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Surviving Long Haul Flights {In Economy Class Seating}

Surviving Long Haul Flights
Post Last Modified – March 20, 2025 ¦

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Surviving Those Long Haul Flights In Economy Class

For the majority of us who embark on air travel these days, we have to endure the ever increasingly uncomfortable option, of economy class. So after a few long distance flights in the last few of years, I’ve put together a few tips, along with this colorful infographic on …

Surviving Long Haul Flights

With the tips I’ve suggested below, hopefully will make your next long distance flight, just a little more bearable!

A few seasons back, I took the longest non-stop flight ever and survived the flight, in basic economy class, surprisingly well. The flight was 13 1/2 hours in length from; Vancouver, BC to New Delhi, India.

It was a long one for sure!

Tips On Surviving Your Next Long Haul Flight In Economy

Turkish Airlines Airplane

What To Do Before You Travel

Surviving Long Haul Flights Tip #1

First and foremost when flying economy class, is trying to secure a seat, that you’re going to be reasonably happy with.

If we’re flying economy class and which is usually most of the time, I definitely will pay, the extra fee for; advanced seat selection. I always prefer an aisle seat and I also like to be as close to the front, of the aircraft as possible.

This is a matter of my personal preference and should be one that suits you, best. I like to get up and out of my seat a lot, throughout the entire flight!

Also, to get up and 🧍 stretch often, use the toilet and just get out of that seat, when ever I want to. Unless of course, the seatbelt sign is on due to turbulence. I don’t want to have to ask those seated next to me, to move each time I want to get up.

This, especially on those long haul flights when people may be sleeping, more often than not.

Reclining Airplane Seats

I also like the open space and not that cramped feeling of being in a; middle and/or window seat. This is my preference only, but unless you don’t mind a middle seat, then it’s always a good idea to take advantage of; advance seat selection.

While on this subject, be sure to check out my latest post on …

Reclining Economy Seats

This is one 🥵 hot topic and that still continues, to stir a lot of controversy and debate. Airlines are finally, addressing this long hot contested issue with passengers.

Pet Peeve

This is just one of my personal travel pet peeves in dealing with air travel. I hate having that seat in front of me that’s in full recline mode, when flying in economy.

Especially if there’s a television screen attached to that seat for me to watch!


What To Bring On Board

Surviving Long Haul Flights Tip #2

Large Airplane Cabin

The infographic below, suggests certain items that you may want to consider, bringing on the plane with you, particularly on longer flights. Just a few that can definitely come in handy, things we always take with us.
For example …

Healthy Snacks … Water Bottle … Neck Pillow … Toiletry Bag … Book … Earplugs

Our small carry on bags are full of goodies, for those extra long flights. You get the idea!

A Guide To Surviving Those Long Haul Flights


What I’ve used on our last long haul flights and now can’t do without, on any flight over 5 hours, is a travel neck pillow. I used to wonder what the big deal was about them, until I actually used one on our; long haul flight a few seasons ago.

The flight was from our home in western Canada to Vietnam. You can actually relax your neck and be reasonably comfortable. For the first time that I can recall, I actually dosed off and fell asleep, on an airplane.

Now, I never leave home without it!


I also carry Ear Plugs all the time on long flights. They’re great for escaping noisy passengers and crying babies. They can also assist in helping you to fall asleep.

They do work wonders!

The other item we always carry on all flights are water bottles. It’s so important to keep {well hydrated} with water, particularly on long flights. We always make sure to fill them after going thru security at the airport.

Depending where we are and the quality of water at the airports, we will purchase bottles of water, for our long flight. I don’t want to keep asking the flight attendant to bring me a small glass of water, every hour.
Be sure to check out my latest post on …

Healthy Plane Travel Tips & Infographic

This post offers some important tips on preventing illness and staying healthy during air travel.



Food & Beverages On Long Haul Flights

Surviving Long Haul Flights Tip #3

For those of us who fly frequently and especially in Economy Class, we all know how dreadful and expensive, most meals have become on airplanes. 🤨

It’s always a better choice for meals if you do want to purchase something onboard, to opt for a vegetarian or a more healthy meal choice. This is also a good option to choose when your meals are included on certain flights, which is normally the case on most long haul journeys.

Note: You do have to make this selection in advance however, when booking your flight.

healthy snacks

Eating a stuffy and greasy meal, will only make you feel lousy and restless on that long flight.
It’s also unhealthy to boot!

We always pack {light snacks} in our carry on when flying and for the most part, with a few exceptions, healthy snacks. Granola bars, healthy cookies, mixed nuts and so forth.

Fruit may or may not be taken from you at security. It depends on where you’re coming from and/or traveling to. We have gotten away with; bananas and apples, on some previous flights.

Just make sure to eat them before arriving at your destination and before passing through; customs and immigration.

Coffee, tea and soda beverages are also not really recommended. Fine if you don’t plan on grabbing some shut eye anytime on the flight. But if you do, that caffeine will definitely not help when trying to fall asleep.

Herbal tea or hot water is always a good choice!

Toiletries & Medication

Surviving Long Haul Flights Tip #4


I have a small pouch in my carry on, where I keep things that I may need on a flight. For instance, I always pack …

toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, ibuprofen for aches and pains, tums for the tummy and so on.

On long haul flights, I’ve lately been experimenting with {melatonin} for sleep, and jet lag symptoms.


I’m not one for taking medication, but on our last long flight I did try melatonin, as many have suggested. It did seem to help for sleep on the aircraft. Surprisingly, my wife and I didn’t experience any jet lag whatsoever, as well.

Helpful Tips Banner

For those of us who wear prescription eye wear, always pack an extra pair with you, in your carry on bag. Do Not put them in your checked 🧳 luggage, for obvious reasons.

You may need the pair on the plane and there’s less chance of you losing your carryon bag, that’s with you, then in your checked 🧳 luggage.

Final Thoughts Banner

There you have it, just a few tips to help make your long haul flight a little more bearable. For those of us that are stuck in that dreaded economy class section, just a few things to help make things a little more bearable and comfortable.

Try not to look at those lucky few up front in Business or First Class. Oh, we can only dream of flying first class!


Thanks to Netflights and sources for putting this colorful infographic chart together, on a guide to getting through your first long haul flight.

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Safe and Healthy Travels!

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

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Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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