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Pustoletje 2025 in Cerknica – Dr Jam Travels

Gregor picked me up at home, we drove to Fužine where we picked Sven on his return from skiing. Now we drove to Cerknica, park close the sports venue and entered, 10€. This was 50th anniversery of carnival in this town. Spring carnival is spread in slovenia as remains from pagan times. Along Cerknica few more places are big and famous (Ptuj-kurenti 65th, Cerkno Laufarija, Ljubljana-dragon, Ilirska bistrica-Kleščcar, Drežnica, Ig, Mozirje since 18991, Šoštanj-koši, Kotlje, Slovenj Gradec, Mislinja, Graška gora, …). Out of whole week of events we were there on Friday’s show. This year they had bigger show with different performes. We missed probably half of the show, but we were in time to see Tea sing with Reciklisti. soon after finish we drove home.

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