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Popular Tourist Scams In Hong Kong {Good To Know}

Scams In Hong Kong

Post Last Modified – February 20, 2025 ¦

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Popular Scams In Hong Kong To Be Aware Of

With the city inviting over 50 million tourists a year, Hong Kong is a perfect place for;
scammers to apply their trade.
This city is known as a Free Trade Paradise and scam 🧑 artists galore, flock to the city, to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists.

In this post, I’m going to cover just a few of the more common tourist …

Tourist Scams In Hong Kong

that are good to know and be aware of when visiting the city.

If you’re simply stopping over, while on route to/ from your intended destination, as we did a few seasons ago, or you plan on spending several days in this bustling city, then you should familiarize yourself with a few of these more; common tourist scams.

Shopping Scams Everywhere

Scams in Hong Kong #1

Mong Kok Shopping District

Who doesn’t go to Hong Kong and not take advantage of the great shopping, available to visitors.

This is without a doubt, one of the biggest scams that tourists get taken for. As we discovered in Thailand, you can be guaranteed to find; {counterfeit goods and designer knockoffs}, for sale everywhere!

Mong Kok Shopping district, is very popular for locals and visitors. It is commonly referred to as the; Counterfeit Goods and Electronics District.
A wonderful place to experience, but do be careful of what you are purchasing.

Unless of course, the real thing is not that important to you.

Mong Kok Shopping District Hong Kong

Great bargains are to be had on knockoffs, if that is what you’re after. If not, check with your hotel staff or other reputable and trustworthy professionals, for the best place to purchase authentic items, without being scammed!

The Bait and Switch Shopping Scam, is huge world-wide and something everyone, should be aware of when out shopping in foreign destinations..

Always check your item placed into the bag, prior to leaving the; check-out counter in the store.

For example, you purchase an expensive ⌚ watch of a particular model you’ve picked.
Shop keepers will commonly head into the back room, to grab that item for you.

Unfortunately in some cases, they return with an older and/or outdated model, without you knowing.
This is especially common for those stopping briefly while on; tours, buses, transfers and so on, where returning to the store is impossible.

You have been scammed!

Antiques Scams – Shoppers Beware

Scams in Hong Kong #2

Many visitors flock to the Big Antique Marketplace also known as; Cat Street Market,
for what they think are old antiques from years gone by.

In fact, the majority of items for sale in this marketplace, are fakes.
They are simply {cheap items}, assembled in Mainland China.

These items are simply made to look old.

Cat Street Antiques Hong Kong

Shop keepers will tell you that many pieces for sale are … a thousand years old!
Well, if that is really the case, don’t you think the item would be in an; historical museum?

Common sense folks!!

Still, do not let this deter you from visiting and experiencing these markets, and purchasing a trinket or two, to take home.
It’s all part of the fun and enjoyment of the – Hong Kong experience!

Beware Of Fake Monks

Scams in Hong Kong #3

Fake Buddist Monks in Hong Kong

One other fairly popular scam you may encounter during your visit, is the presence of; fake Buddhist monks, walking about tourist areas and asking for donations.
Do not be fooled by these individuals just because they are dressed and look like monks, they are not!

It is against the law and forbidden by anyone to beg for money,
on the streets of Hong Kong.

These people can be arrested on site if caught by authorities.
Even for a few dollars, do not give these people any money!

This will only encourage them to continue to scam others and perhaps those more; sympathetic people, will get scammed for larger sums of money.

Night Club Scams

Scams in Hong Kong #4

Wan Chai District Hong Kong
The nightlife is a huge money making industry in the city and where many tourists flock to, in the evening hours, particularly younger male adults.

The {Wan Chai} neighborhood is the most popular and is an area filled with; nightclubs, prostitution and other activities for visitors to experience.

This is perhaps the most dangerous for tourists, and where one should exercise; extreme caution at all times.
Most clubs and other related activities are all controlled and run by serious Gangs, and scams run rampant, in these areas.

As in most areas of the world, it’s great to enjoy the nightlife, but if you are traveling alone, and visiting these places, do keep in mind that you are a … Target for Scammers!

A very common scam and dangerous one at that is with {lady-boy prostitutes}, who prey on males.

Scams In Hong Kong

They first entice you into targeted bars to; dance, buy them drinks and feed them, all at your expense for the evening. It is also not uncommon for them to have their prey, purchase clothes and much more afterwards, even days later.

Depending on the circumstances, some may use blackmail and extortion in extreme cases.
So a word to the wise, be careful and try to visit these areas in groups, using caution and common sense at all times!

Just a few things for visitors to be aware of when visiting this beautiful city that … Never Sleeps.

Taxi Scams in Hong Kong

Scams in Hong Kong #5

Hong Hong Taxi Cab

Taxi scams are known world wide and can easily be avoided.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when entering a taxi;

   Never enter a cab without a meter;

   There should be No extra surcharges;

   Never exchange foreign currency with a taxi driver;

   Never enter a cab at the airport out of queue.

These are just a few common sense things to consider if you take a cab in Hong Kong, or anywhere else in the world for that matter. If there is no meter, always negotiate an accepted price, before ever stepping into
the vehicle.


Final Thoughts Banner

Tourist Scams are everywhere, not just in Hong Kong.
Like so many, I’ve been the victim of some very minor tourist scams over the years, while traveling abroad.
These are everyday folks just trying to take advantage of tourists when they can, to make a few extra bucks.

But using caution and a little common sense, will save you from becoming a; victim of scams, wherever your travels may take you.

Below, I have also included a link to the Official Hong Kong Tourism website. Here, you can access everything you need to know when planning a trip to this beautiful city.

Be sure to check out the {Google Map} box at the bottom of this post for its exact location.

Discover Hong Kong Tourism Board Logo

Hong Kong Tourism Board

Safe and Healthy Travels!

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

All personal photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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