The NSW government is inviting property developers to build on three vacant sites of government-owned land, which could deliver over 350 new homes.
Property and Development NSW has launched an expressions of interest campaign to develop sites at Box Road at Wakeley, Windsor Road at Rouse Hill, and Sparks Road at Wallarah for new housing in these communities.
These sites were identified from the government’s land audit initiative launched in 2023, which aims to determine what government-owned land can be used to address the state’s housing supply shortage.
In February 2025, the audit marked the former WestConnex dive site in Camperdown to deliver 500 new dwellings, including at least 200 build-to-rent units. Government developer Landcom is set to take on the development.
These sites in Wakeley, Rouse Hill and Wallarah were also identified through the audit, which has so far earmarked a number of locations that could deliver up to 7,100 homes.
Sites at Wakeley, Rouse Hill and Wallarah are earmarked for new housing. Picture: Getty
The Wakeley site in Sydney’s western suburbs is a low-density residential site and features a total site area of 23,505sqm. Given the size, the EOI suggests it may be suitable for residential subdivision or an integrated housing development opportunity.
The area is also surrounded by amenities such as schools, early childhood facilities like the Wakeley Centre and the shopping centre Stockland Wetherill Park.
On the Central Coast, the Wallarah site spans 11.7 hectares and presents an opportunity for residential, commercial and mixed-use projects.
It’s close to the Woongarrah area, amenities such as schools, shopping centres, parks and healthcare facilities.
The Rouse Hill site, located in the North West growth centre and 50-minutes from Sydney’s CBD, is a medium-density residential development site spanning 20,777sqm.
According to the EOI, the zoning supports a range of development opportunities for the area. It’s also close to Rouse Hill Shopping Village, Rouse Hill and Tallawong metro stations.
The EOI campaign is open to developers and will run until April 23. Picture: Getty
Property and Development NSW chief executive officer Leon Walker said the EOI campaign will run until April 23, when the agency would review submissions from developers.
“The government can’t solve the housing crisis on its own, so we are calling on the capability of the residential development sector to deploy its capacity in partnership with the Government in respect to the three sites announced today,” Mr Walker said.
“Alongside this campaign, Property and Development NSW is continuing the important work of identifying and assessing additional surplus government-owned sites that can be repurposed to help deliver more housing supply across the state.”
Minister for lands and property Steve Kamper said the government was looking forward to receiving “submissions from experienced developers to deliver housing across these three sites at Wakeley, Rouse Hill and Wallarah”.
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