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New rules to tighten up how city works with property developers

Liverpool city councillors’ interactions with property developers are set to be more strictly regulated in a bid to “maintain public confidence.”

The local authority has released new documents outlining a proposed protocol for elected members to “understand the behaviour expected” when dealing with external partners.

The papers, due to be endorsed by the city’s standard and ethics committee next week, state that in relation to developers, councillors must adhere to its anti-fraud and corruption strategy. This comes as the council’s relationship with property developers faces intense scrutiny following Operation Aloft – an investigation into allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption linked to building and development contracts in the city.

The documents emphasise that the city council is “under a duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by its councillors.”

If adopted, the new protocol would provide a ” clear framework and guidelines” for members regarding their contact with applicants, developers, contractors, agents and investors, reports the Liverpool Echo.

The document highlighted specific concerns regarding the potential risks of “perceived endorsement and too close an association in respect of the discharge of functions and responsibilities relating to planning, development, building control, licensing, and environment regulatory matters.”

It aims to guide councillors in “understanding the behaviour that is expected of you when dealing with developers, to provide a personal check and balance, and to set out the type of conduct that could lead to action being taken against you.”

It further emphasised the necessity for councillors to “must maintain conduct of the highest standard such that confidence and integrity are sustained.”

The council also clarified that it does not endorse any developers “except following compliance with the correct decision-making and/or selection process.”

Councillors are required to declare and register all offers of gifts or hospitality, as well as any interests, in line with the code of conduct. In instances where a conflict of interest arises, members “must take all steps to exclude their participation in any continued discussions or decision-making, usually by requesting a substitute.”

Additionally, any communication from developers should be immediately directed to the appropriate council team, according to the protocol.

The report emphasised: “Any perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest or apparent or actual bias between a councillor’s obligations as a councillor and their relationship with particular developers, or specific developments, contracts or investments, must be declared and recorded in accordance with the requirements of the code of conduct.”

It also stated that meetings with developers should occur only on an “exceptional basis” and in the company of a relevant officer.

The proposed policy is set to be reviewed by the standards and ethics committee during their upcoming session at Liverpool Town Hall next week.

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