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Keeping Your Money Safe During Travel
Vacations are a great time to just sit back, relax and let go of all those stresses of life, but that doesn’t mean you can let down your guard when it comes to …
Keeping Your Money Safe When Traveling
Tourists especially, are prime targets for criminals who pick your pockets and steal your belongings.
As an example, for men who still carry a wallet in their back pocket when traveling, do you ever think of what you would do if it was stolen in a foreign country?
Travelling safely also includes protecting your money and your personal belongings at all times.
It should also include having a good backup plan, just in case you do become a victim of crime.
Six Steps For Keeping Your Money Safe
Remove Items You Really Do Not Need
I always remove unnecessary cards and other items from my wallet, before leaving home. Things in my wallet that I know I won’t need when traveling.
As a matter of fact, I have a special small wallet I use, specifically when traveling to unfamiliar and heavily populated destinations.
It’s a small nylon wallet, with a zippered money bill and change compartment. It also has a velcro strap, that keeps it closed tightly, so my credit cards and other important items won’t slip out.
My travel wallet is cheap, but works great for traveling abroad and keeping my money and cards safe.
Take out any unnecessary items you won’t need, and that just add bulk and clutter to your purse or wallet.
I carry only enough cash to get by, depending how convenient ATM machines are, in the destination I travel to. I carry two of my major credit cards, along with my bank debit card for the ATM machines.
I also carry; medical insurance cards with contacts, along with emergency contact information for someone at home, just in case.
Be Prepared Before You Leave Home
Above are typical Pickpocket Thieves Tactics;
The Stall, The Diversion and The Distraction
Do a little planning before leaving home and find out how easy it will, or will not be, to access currency for the country you may be visiting.
This always plays a major role in deciding how much or how little cash I need to take with me, before leaving home. For example;
On one of our latest trip to Cancun, Mexico, I researched the airport on the internet and also got advice from others on TripAdvisor, regarding the ease of access to cash.
I discovered ATM’s were readily available and in most cases, you will save money by using bank operated ATM machines when you arrive. You also don’t have to carry great amounts of cash with you.
Better than using currency exchange depots and your bank exchange rates at home.
Did you know many large banks have shared a agreement with other banks abroad
You can access ATM’s with many banks abroad, that your bank at home has an reciprocal agreement with.
There will be no fee’s charged to you when using their ATM’s.
We’ve done this many times over the years, and your bank at home can provide a list for you of the banks
they partner with abroad.
Always Be Aware Of Your Surroundings When Using Bank Machines
Try to always use recognizable and a heavily used; ATM machine, especially those connected to Banks. There are ATM locators and Apps for those connected to the internet, to help you find reputable machines to use.
As mentioned above, I always check prior to leaving home, to see if there are any Banks with ATM outlets that have a reciprocal agreement with my bank at home.
This works great in avoiding those additional service charges.
I also try to search for real {Bank ATM’s} to use, knowing that they are legitimate. There are fakes that may be set up and used by criminals, to get your bank information. As well, fees are usually less in most cases, when using a recognized Bank ATM.
Airports, Banks or Hotel ATM’s are always best.
Stay away from undesirable areas with machines, especially if you feel uncomfortable with people that
may be lurking around at that time.
Always trust your instincts!
Make It Difficult For Pickpockets And Thieves
Are you one of those people that pickpockets just love
Do you still carry your wallet in your back pocket, especially in crowded tourist areas
Are you that lady that holds on to her purse like you’re ready to throw it away
If so, you are definitely an easy target and the chances are tenfold of you becoming the victim of theft.
I always carry my travel wallet in my front pocket and often, I let my wife put it in her purse. She also only carries what she needs in her purse. It’s not bulky and has a strap and a closed zipper.
Keeping Money Safe When Traveling – Update
My son and I returned from extensive travels throughout India a few seasons ago. We both were wearing
money belts and boy were they great to have, especially in the congested cities as that of; New Delhi.
Have a look at my personal review and post on …
Stashbelt Money Belts,
for more detailed information on this excellent type of travel product, to help safeguard your money in
very congested areas you may be traveling to.
Use A Hotel Safe And Divide Your Cash
Whenever possible, try to use a Hotel Safe for your cash and especially for your Travel Documents. Carry only the amount of cash with you that you may need for that day, and keep the rest locked away safely.
Even if I have to pay the extra surcharge for the Room Safe, I always do so. It’s better to pay a little now, then a whole lot later!
These are just a few tips to get you thinking about your security and cash when traveling. Remember, never take anything for granted and think that it will not happen to you!
Thieves are everywhere around the world and they are just waiting to prey on tourists. Especially those who don’t take preventive measures to safeguard their cash and valuables.
I’ve also listed a link below to a reputable website called; HostleWorld. I’ve directed the link to their article on {14 Ways On Keeping Money Safe While Traveling}.
Just a few more excellent tips to help you along the way!
HostleWorld – Keeping Your Money Safe
I Only Endorse Products/Services That Can Be Trusted & Verified &/Or That I’ve Personally Used!
Safe and Healthy Travels!
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Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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“There Is Actually No Land On The North Pole, Only Ice On Top Of The Sea.”
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