Post Last Modified – February 21, 2025 ¦
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Hotel Scams Are Becoming More Popular
I received an email from a friend of mine, who knew I was interested in writing about {Travel Scams}. He sent me this increasingly popular scam and one that is known around the globe,
known as the …
Hotel Scam
It seems these days, if crooks can find the slightest angle to catch innocent victims off guard, they will.
Beware Of This World Wide Hotel Scam
Here’s how this scam works …
You have just arrived at your travel destination and make your way to your chosen hotel and check in at the front desk, as you normally would.
Normally when checking in, the person at the front desk asks for your credit card.
This is standard practice, as it confirms payment and takes care of any additional charges that may be added to your room during your stay.
Without a second thought, you proceed to your room and settle in. The hotel reception then receives a call from someone, asking for a specific hotel room.
For example, let’s say it’s your room number 588.
The reception transfers the call to your room and you answer the call.
This is where the scam begins and the person on the other end says to you …
“Hello, this is the front desk. After you checked in, we have unfortunately experienced a difficulty with your credit card we have on file.
The card is not showing verified. Would you be kind enough to give me your credit card numbers again and also verify the last 3 digits numbers on the reverse side of your card for me once again?I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience.”
Without giving this a second thought and perhaps being tired from travel, you pass on the information requested to the caller, believing that the person is in fact – from the hotel front desk.
You have just been scammed and the unknown caller now has your credit card information and can begin to make purchases, or whatever they choose to do with your card.
Many crooks will even call the front desk and even be able to get your name, before making the call to your room.
As we are realizing more and more each year, one must never give out their personal information either over the phone, internet or any other form of communication, without being able to verify who that person or business is beforehand.
A lesson I learned the hard way years ago, was to …
Never click on an email link or attachment file, unless you are absolutely sure who it has come from!
Even that can be dangerous at times with what they call; phishing emails.
These are emails that look absolutely authentic, but are not!
How To Prevent Becoming A Victim Of This Hotel Scam
Should you ever come upon this type of situation during your hotel stay or any other similar scenario, this is what is recommended;
Immediately advise the caller that you will attend to the front desk and deal with the matter in person.
Never give your personal information over the phone to a stranger.
You should head straight for the front desk to clear the matter and confirm the call with them.
If there was no request made over the phone, the manager of the hotel should be advised that someone has just tried to scam you of your credit card information. Inform them of the details of the call, so they can act accordingly to prevent any further similar type calls.
These scammer’s will always try to catch people off guard, especially when they are most vulnerable.
It is very easy to slip up, especially after a long day of travel. It’s when you are tired and not as alert to these types of situations that will occur unexpectedly.
Just a reminder once again to always be sure who you are giving your personal information to, anywhere and at any time!
I Only Endorse Products/Services That Can Be Trusted & Verified & That I’ve Personally Used!
Safe and Healthy Travels!
All personal photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Did You Know …
“Cuba Is The Only Island In The Caribbean With A Railway.”
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