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Helpful Vietnam Travel Tips For First Timers

Helpful Vietnam Travel Tips
Post Last Modified – March 21, 2025 ¦

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16 Vietnam Travel Tips – Good Know Before You Go

My son and I returned from a superb journey throughout Southern Vietnam, a few seasons ago. As always when traveling, you pick up helpful tips along the way and discover new ones. Below, I have listed a few helpful …

🧳 Vietnam Travel Tips 🧳

that we put together from our journey. Hopefully they can be of some assistance to you as well, when planning your visit to this beautiful country.

We arrived in the bustling City of Ho Chi Minh, slowly making our way by train and bus, reaching our most northern destination that of Hoi An.

Vietnam Travel Tips

Sixteen Tips For Your Travels To Vietnam

The Best Time To Travel For The Weather

Vietnam Travel Tips #1

Vietnam Airlines

If you are planning a trip, do keep in mind, normally between the weeks of; February 7th–17th is a very busy time of year in Vietnam. This is when they have their New Year’s Celebrations and many locals travel and holiday, during these weeks.
Many flock to beach resort destinations, up and down the coast.

Hotel rooms, attractions and even dining costs, are considerably higher during this time. February and March however, are perfect months for enjoying the ocean side resorts.

You are well into the dry season, seas are very clear and calm at this time.

Unless you wish to enjoy the many celebrations, it’s suggested to book your travel in; January, or late February into March.


You Need A Tourist Visa For Entry

Vietnam Travel Tips #2

Vietnam Tourist Visa

A tourist entry visa is required upon entry to Vietnam. I do suggest getting your visa, before entering the country. You may pay a little extra, but the time saved and convenience when arriving, is well worth it.

I had a local travel agent back home here in Canada arrange this for us, and was sure glad I did. Be sure to check out my detailed post here, on a few of the many …

 Benefits of Booking With a Travel Agent

For many people, even after waiting in the long line at Customs/Immigration upon arrival at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City, they were then directed to another line, to apply for their; tourist visa.

Unless you don’t mind waiting in long lines, I suggest having your {tourist visa} prepared, before leaving home.

Taxi Transportation – Getting Around In A Taxi

Vietnam Travel Tips #3

Vietnam Taxi

During our stay in most cities and towns we visited, we found all the taxis we entered, to be metered.
Getting around by taxi was inexpensive and you could rest assured, you are not being ripped off.

Should you enter a   private or unmetered car, be sure to {confirm the fare} with the driver, before entering the taxi.

On one occasion, we had to do just that!

After arriving at the train station, a driver with a private car approached us, and asked where we were going. I had done some research and was aware of what I should {expect to pay}, to be taken to our destination.

We agreed on a fair price before entering and enjoyed a nice ride, in a comfortable and private air conditioned car. Many tour operators offer transfers in cars and mini vans. So it’s quite normal for them to wait for a return trip, and to approach you when you arrive.

The majority of all taxis are now metered, making travel much easier.

ATM Money Machine Access

Vietnam Travel Tips #4

Vietnam ATM Money Machines

Automated Teller Machines {ATM’s} for money withdrawal, can be found most everywhere, in most cities and towns, and especially in the resort areas.

On a few occasions, we did find that our bank card would not work, in some ATM machines. Don’t be alarmed, just try a few others and you are bound to find one that does accept your card. This happened to us on a few occasions, but were always able to find one that would work.

We found this to be the case when traveling throughout India, as well.

This was a concern for me arriving at Ho Chi Minh Airport, as my card wouldn’t work, in the ATM Money Machines there. After arriving in the city, I did find a Bank ATM that worked fine. As well, if you are bringing currency from your home country, I did see that the exchange rate offered at some major hotels, was actually quite good.

You can check with your bank before leaving, as they may be able to advise on what bank ATM’s accept your cards and may have a reciprocal arrangement with. If there do and you are around a bank, you’re not charged user fees.

Bottled Water Vendors

Vietnam Travel Tips #5

Bottled water

Bottled Water can be purchased most everywhere and almost at every street corner. In most towns and cities, street vendors are on almost every street corner. The water is sealed, brand name and very cheap!

Do Not under any circumstances, drink water from the tap, or use 🧊 ice cubes, that you cannot confirm as having been from a bottled source.

There are advisories in most hotel rooms of this warning. Most hotels offer; 2 free bottles of water each day, which is plenty to brush your teeth with and drink from.

If you choose to ignore these warnings and drink tap water, or use non-purified ice cubes in your drinks, expect to get sick! 🤢

Avoid Shell Fish From Street Vendors

Vietnam Travel Tips #6

Vietnam Street Vendors

While we are on the subject of illness, there are also advisories against eating; 🦐 shellfish prepared by street vendors. There have been numerous incidents of people contracting …
🦞 Food Poisoning🦞 as a result.

You simply don’t know how long ago the 🦀 shellfish was caught and has been sitting unfrozen, on the street.

As tempting as it may be, {Do Not} Eat Shellfish from Street Vendors!

Bring Snacks From Home

Vietnam Travel Tips #7

healthy snacks

We always pack a bag full of snacks from home for the airplane, and when traveling about. For example, your favorite; granola bars, protein bars, chips and so on, are great to have, when food is not readily available.

On many occasions, they were just perfect to help fill the gap when needed!

I always enjoy eating local food from safe street vendors, side street restaurants and others, when traveling. There are many times and particularly when in transit, we found food to be, not readily available anywhere to purchase.

Having your favorite snack from home, fills the gap!

WC Refers To A Washing Closet

Vietnam Travel Tips #8

Vietnam WC Toilets

You will see in hotels, restaurants and many other places large letters – WC. This you will find out quickly, is the toilet or restroom.

As one local told us, it stands for Washing Closet.

On only one occasion at the beach, there was an attendant who asked for money to enter. The fee worked out to about 25 cents. All other public facilities are free, and surprisingly kept very clean and tidy.

Look for the letters WC for public toilets!

Bug Repellent And Sunscreen

Vietnam Travel Tips #9

Sunscreen Protection

Remember, Vietnam is very tropical and particularly in the southern region. Do pack plenty of 🦟 bug repellent and 🧴 sunscreen with you from home.

It is very expensive, as is the case in most countries visited. It’s because these products are usually imported into the country.

We did find in the evening when eating outdoors, especially when it was hot and humid, for the sand fleas and 🦟 mosquitoes to be present. Rubbing some insect repellent around your exposed ankles worked wonders!

Pack insect repellent and plenty of sunscreen.

The Traffic Chaos In the Cities

Vietnam Travel Tips #10

Vietnam Traffic

This is an experience in itself, particularly in the big cities. Traffic is simply a free for all, and crossing the street can leave you with nightmares! 

For instance in Ho Chi Minh City and with a population of 10 million people, we have been told there are  7 million scooters. Crossing the busy street without traffic lights, is an experience, not soon to be forgotten!

Watch carefully at all times when crossing the streets in Vietnam!

Street And Beach Vendors

Vietnam Travel Tips #11

Beach Vendor Koh Samui Thailand

You will encounter street vendors on beaches and many times, when eating at outdoor establishments. Although friendly, many can be very persistent and demanding at times.

Most expect that you will finally give in and purchase a small item from them. We did purchase a few small items at times, such as Christmas Cards and so forth. If you do not wish to purchase, simply say; No Thank You and look away from them.

Remember, these people are poor and just trying to feed their families and survive. If you do not wish to be bothered, eat inside restaurants. In most cases and particularly on the beach, they will simply move on when you say; “No Thank You.”

Please, do not be rude or loud to these people. Try to think how fortunate you are and put yourself in their place for a moment.

You are a {Guest} in their country and you should act accordingly.

Visiting Mui Ne Vietnam

Vietnam Travel Tips #12

Vietnam Scooter Rentals

Situated north of Ho Chi Minh City, is the fishing village and popular beach side resort of Mui Ne.
Traffic is quiet here and do rent a scooter for the day. It’s a lot of fun and be sure to make your way to the …

 Beautiful Sand Dunes of Mui Ne Scooters can be easily rented from most hotels and they will be delivered right to you.


Although this is a safe place to ride, do keep in mind that a Foreign Drivers License, is {Not Recognized} in Vietnam. Should you become involved in a collision, you will be deemed at fault!

Getting From Mui Ne to Nha Trang

Vietnam Travel Tips #13

Vietnam Sleeper Bus

If you are going from Mui Ne to the very popular beach resort of Nha Trang, then it is much more convenient and cheaper, to take a   sleeper bus than the train. The bus drives right into Mui Ne Town and then continues on.

 The train station is quite a distance from Mui Ne. The cab fare alone to the train station, will cost you more than 2 tickets, riding on the bus.

The bus was comfortable and takes about 4 to 4 ½ hours to/from Nha Trang. We forfeited our train tickets, opting for the bus and convenience as well.

Just as an example, it’s good keep your options open and do a little research, when traveling about the country. It can save you money and a great deal of precious vacation time.

Do Barter With Vendors At Gift Shops

Vietnam Travel Tips #14

Vietnam Shopping Market

Remember to barter at shops everywhere. It’s fun and shop keepers expect it!

Most will have 🧮 calculators and show you the price. They will all lower their prices somewhat, as expected. But remember, things are very cheap in Vietnam compared to the western world. You’re only talking about a couple of dollars difference.

Enjoy and have fun shopping and bartering!

Experience Vietnamese Food

Vietnam Travel Tips #15

Vietnam Local Restaurants

Do try local Vietnamese food, especially from restaurants locals attend and select street vendors. This is all part of the experience of visiting a new foreign country. As mentioned previously though, be cautious of shellfish and make sure other foods are well cooked, to prevent any food poisoning.

In Ho Chi Minh City for example, we enjoyed a popular …

 Saigon Street Food Scooter Food Tour
one evening with 2 local University Students.

It was a great evening stopping at local side street eateries, and actually preparing some of the local dishes we enjoyed as well.
Be sure to check out my post here on this great food adventure!

Pack A Travel First Aid Kit

Vietnam Travel Tips #16

travel first aid kits

On all our travels, we always prepare a small kit for the unexpected. For example, we pack a small …

 Travel First Aid Kit
One should never leave home without including either; a purchased travel first aid kit, or one you have put together yourself. Many times when traveling, pharmacies can be very hard to find.

These simple small items packed with you, can save you a great deal of time, grief and money!

Final Thoughts Banner

These are just a few things we picked up along the way, and use on our travels most everywhere. I hope they will be of some use to you should you be planning a trip to Vietnam in the near future.

I’ve also listed the Official Vietnam Tourism Board’s link below to their website. It’s filled with excellent information to assist in your travel planning to Vietnam.

Be sure to check out the {Google Map} box at the bottom of this post for Vietnam’s exact location.

vietnam tourism

 Vietnam – Timeless Charm

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Safe and Healthy Travels!

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   Did You Know …

“Vietnam Is Home To The World’s Largest Known Cave – Son Doong.”
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