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Elvis Jackson in Kino Šiška

Ivan is always on the lookout for concerts with bands that play hardcore punk rock music. This time, Elvis Jackson was also on his list. This band from Ajdovščina was popular in my student days. The band has an eclectic style, using bits from ska and reggae on one side to hardcore punk rock on the other. Ivan bought tickets for 27 €.

Two days later I was again in Kino Šiška, again raining, again sister’s car, again problem with parking. We met (Ivan, Tomaž, Jože) around 20h and moved to the upper floor for a drink. Kennybal Smith was first on stage, but we didn’t go in. It was time to chat for a bit. There was also Miha with climbers, Andrejea with Tomaž, one more Tomaž …

Elvis Jackson was on stage around 21:20. They were promoting their new 6th album “We Play 4 You” with the new guitarist Marty. They had great energy on stage. Nice interaction with fans, invited a few on stage, the singer David Kovšca – BUDA joined fans under the stage. Eric on bass – college classmate – had grey hair and glasses, I was following his steps. Also, some political stance against weapons, against bulling, help for Matic. As for the music, a mixture of new and old songs. After encore, they finished around 11 PM.

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