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Bids invited for property development around RRTS stations

Bids invited for property development around RRTS stations New Delhi: National Capital Region Transport Corporation, which is executing the RRTS project, has invited bids to engage a project management unit for property development along the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor. This initiative aims to monetise land parcels, generate non-fare box revenue, and create commercial, residential, and service hubs around Namo Bharat stations.
“This initiative will help develop them not just as a stop of a commuter journey but also as vibrant commercial centres driving sustainable economic growth,” said an official of NCRTC.
The official added that the identified plots would be developed into retail spaces such as malls, retail-dining-entertainment hubs, integrated parking units with offices, rental housing, studio apartments, hospitals and theme parks. These developments will provide a range of residential, commercial, institutional, recreational, and entertainment services, benefiting both commuters and the wider community.
The identified land parcels for development include large plots in Ghaziabad, Duhai Depot, Bhaisali (Meerut), and Modipuram Depot. The Ghaziabad plot spans 2.4 hectares, while the plots in Duhai Depot, Bhaisali, and Modipuram cover about 31, 9.7, and 31 hectares, respectively. Additionally, smaller parcels are available at Sarai Kale Khan, New Ashok Nagar, Anand Vihar, Guldhar, Duhai, Muradnagar, Modinagar South and North, Meerut South, Shatabdi Nagar and Modipuram. These collectively cover about 16 hectares.
“These strategically located sites will be developed into dynamic dense urban spaces, enhancing both connectivity and economic activity along the corridor,” said the official.
NCRTC said the development strategy would be aligned with transit-oriented development (TOD) principles and existing regulatory frameworks. TOD focuses on the creation of high-density mixed land use development in the influence zone of transit stations that is within walking distance of a transit station or along the corridor.
“This initiative has gained national and international recognition, with the World Bank citing NCRTC’s TOD model as a global best practice in sustainable urban planning,” claimed the official.

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