Over 100 councils urge government to fix England’s council housing
A cross-party coalition of more than 100 council landlords, led by Southwark Council, have published five key solutions for the…
L&G signs major lease at Woolgate scheme for new City headquarters
L&G has agreed to take floors four to eight of Stanhope and Woolgate Exchange Unit Trust’s development. The post L&G…
‘We’re a solvent and good business’: Du Val’s Kenyon Clarke breaks silence
“I can say that our accountants have supplied information to the shareholders, where we believe we’re a solvent and good…
Tropicana Corp partners GreenRE for sustainable property development
PETALING JAYA (Sept 3): Tropicana Corporation Bhd (KL:TROP) inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with GreenRE Sdn Bhd on Tuesday…
Creating an Artistic Buzz, One Real Estate Development at a Time
“Rather than looking at a blank wall or brick or glass or concrete, they’re seeing some beautiful art, and it’s…
Chinese property development firm snaps up land in Limerick suburb
A computer generated image of the proposed development in Raheen. A LARGE parcel of land in a Limerick City suburb…
Tim Gurner headlines ABL’s Property Finance Forum
Insights Media Merger crackdown anoints ACCC “judge and jury” on merger deals Zaven Mardirossian explains to the AFR’s economics editor,…
CIA: Avg. Sales of Top 10 Property Developers Decline 30.8% in 8M24; Total Sales of Top 100 Property Developers Tumble 38.5% Share News http://www.aastocks.com/en/stocks/news/aafn-con/NOW.1378046/latest-news Source
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Why have I been blocked? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action…
Joey’s home is his castle. He pays $50 a month in rent
Not a house but a homeTo decide the case, the court had to sit as a Fair Rents Board, which…