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Koh Samui Thailand Holidays {A Travel Guide}

Amazing Koh Samui Thailand Holidays

Post Last Modified – March 06, 2025 ¦

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Enjoy Holidays On The Beautiful Island of Koh Samui in Thailand

On our first visit to Thailand a few seasons ago, after spending a few days in the bustling City of Bangkok, we continued on our travels, to the beautiful …

Island Of Koh Samui

Situated in the Gulf of Thailand, this large island is a favorite among tourists, arriving from all parts of the world.

This lovely tropical get-a-way is just perfect. It’s not too big and not too small, making for that perfect relaxing holiday. Yet, there’s still lots to see and do, to keep you busy.

The island is filled with; accommodations galore, luxurious beach resorts, restaurants, bars and much more!

Koh Samui Thailand Holidays – A Brief Look

The Beautiful Koh Samui Airport

Koh Samui Thailand Airport

Situated just 35 kilometers from Thailand’s mainland, Samui is the second largest island, in the country. Yet, it’s still small enough, to enjoy that feeling of escaping to a … tropical vacation paradise!

It has an area of under 230 square kilometers, and a local population of well under; 75,000 people.

Tourism and 🥥 coconut export are the island’s main source of income.

Koh Samui has experienced tremendous growth over the last years. More beautiful; resorts, restaurants and other tourist attractions are popping up all over the island, due to high tourist demand.

As well and what makes Koh Samui so special, is that it is surrounded by approximately; sixty other islands. There’s also the stunning Angthong Marine National Park, just a short boat ride away.

The island has the most beautiful private airport, that I have ever seen. Getting to the island by air, is very easy. You can easily find numerous daily flights to and from;

Bangkok – Phuket – Hong Kong – Singapore

These are just a few of the many cities, you can catch flights to Samui, quickly and easily. Regular ferry service is also available, for more budget minded passengers, traveling to and from the mainland.

Where To Stay On Your Koh Samui Thailand Holiday

One of Many Magnificent Resorts in Koh Samui

Koh Samui Thailand Resort

Today, the choice for accommodations in Samui varies greatly!

You literally have your choice from; ⭐ 5 star luxury resorts to simple inexpensive hostels, geared for adventuresome back packers. Select your meals from the countries very popular inexpensive food carts to find dining, prepared by world class chefs.

The choice is enormous and sure to fit most anyone’s budget!

Koh Samui now hosts over 1.5 million tourists year round, making this one of the, most popular vacation destinations in the country, next to Phuket.


The Weather In Koh Samui

A Beautiful Tour Boat Docked in Koh Samui

Koh Samui Tour Boat

Koh Samui has a tropical climate and inland, parts of the island, have dense; tropical forests. Do expect some rain at anytime, in any month of the year. The rainy season is typically; {October through to mid December}.

This is when rain can be very heavy at times and continuing, for days on end.

The dry season runs from {December to March}, making January and February, ideal months to visit Thailand.

We visited Thailand at the end of {January to mid February} and the weather was perfect. We experienced a couple of heavy, but very brief rain showers, during our 3 week stay. Average daily temperatures during our stay, ranged from {28 to 30 degrees celsius}, with high humidity at all times.

The dry hot season usually runs from {April to September or early October}. This is when one can expect very warm temperatures and very high humidity.

The Choice Is Yours For Your Koh Samui Holiday

 Lovely Choengmon Beach 

Choengmon Beach Koh Samui Thailand

You have a few options available for getting to/from the City of Bangkok, to Koh Samui.

You can take a bus and ferry, or take the train and ferry. Both options are the cheapest way, but also take the longest time. You can also fly directly to the island quickly, which we chose to do.

Depending on your time, schedule and budget, the choice is yours!

Be sure to check out my previous post about our flight from …

Bangkok to Koh Samui
and the other options for getting to and from the island.


Discover The Beautiful Beaches Of Samui

Lamai Beach Koh Samui Thailand

From small pristine coves, to large stretches of sandy beaches lined with; resorts, bars and restaurants, you’re sure to find your perfect holiday hide-a-way, on this superb tropical island.

If you prefer a more quiet setting to relax and just get away from it all, or prefer to be where the action is, it’s all here for you to enjoy!

We tried to visit as many of the more popular beaches on the island as we could, during our stay.
Each on of us in our group, had our own personal favorite.

Be sure to take a look at my other posts and pictures on the various beaches, located throughout the island. Why not check out my personal favorite …

Lamai Beach

Lonely Planet has a very informative web page as well, for planning on your … Koh Samui vacation.

Koh Samui Thailand


A Few Extra Travel Tips And Suggestions

Travel to Thailand Banner

I did make notes of a few helpful tips, I thought were worth sharing with you. Hopefully, they can assist to help make your stay just a bit better.

  • 🧴 Sunscreen
    Be sure to pack enough for your entire journey. Not surprisingly, sunscreen is very expensive on the island. Local businesses do raise prices for necessity items, especially in the main tourist areas.


  • 🦟 Bug Spray
    This is a tropical destination and mosquitoes do appear in many places, when the sun goes down. Be sure to spray before going out for dinner, as mosquitoes like to hide under; restaurant tables and many other hidden damp places.As is the case in most tropical travel destinations.


  • 🧒 Strollers
    Don’t take a large baby stroller with you!We watched many people struggle with large strollers, on the streets and sidewalks. Sidewalks are very narrow, with broken and uneven pavement, drains and so forth.


Dogs Galore

Dogs in Thailand


  • Dogs
    They are free to roam everywhere!You will find them under your dining tables, to just lying down in the lobby of 5 star hotels. We didn’t  encounter any dogs that were unfriendly towards people, but be aware, they are free to roam and considered to be {Good Luck}, for Thai people and their culture.


  • 🧺 Laundry Service
    There are laundry outlets everywhere, and service is very inexpensive. On our vacation we could have laundry done for; 30 THB for 1 kg. Very cheap a few years back. So no need to pack huge amounts of clothing for your vacation!


  • Wi-fi internet
    Service is available everywhere and free in most; bars, restaurants, hotels. So staying connected, is not a problem!

Modern Convenience Stores Are Everywhere

Thailand Convenience Store

  • 7-11 Convenience Stores
    There are convenience stores scattered all over the island. Great for grabbing snacks, ice cream, pop and more!

As well, ice cold beer and coolers can be purchased in these stores and at; very reasonable prices.


  • 🥜 Peanut Butter
    If you like your peanut butter in the morning with your toast, be sure to pack some.

One of our family members did and we were all glad to have it!


  • Surge Protector
    Be sure to carry a Universal Travel Surge Protector for your electronic devices. Power surges are frequent and normal.

Protect your devices when charging with a simple surge protector and/or rechargeable power stick.


Popular Truck Taxi (Songtaew) In Koh Samui

Songtaew Taxi Thailand


  • Taxis & Songtaews (taxi trucks)
    Do negotiate your fare with taxi drivers and taxi trucks before riding. Drivers are friendly and after a short while, you will learn what to pay, for the type of ride and distance you are taking.

We found drivers to be very reliable and will return to pick you up, at a time requested. We were always pleasantly surprised to find our driver waiting for us to take us home!


  • Sea Lice
    Our first experience ever with Sea Lice. We found them in the water on a few excursions, especially warm & shallow areas.

They are annoying as mosquitoes!

They feel like a pin prick in the water and are invisible. For some, they can cause a rash. So if you have small children, be aware!


  • 🤿 Excursions
    There are many different tour excursions to choose from. From snorkel and scuba dive trips, to scenic tours around the Island. Tour offices and kiosks are situated all over. It’s best to wait until you have arrived on the island, to book your excursions.

You can wheel and deal for great prices, especially if you have a number of people, in your party.
As well, the weather can be a factor, so it’s best to wait and keep up with the daily; weather forecast.


Typical Thailand Beach Vendor

Beach Vendor Koh Samui Thailand


  • Beach Vendors
    Do spend time and barter with vendors selling; clothing, trinkets and such. They are very friendly and are most happy, to negotiate with you.

Food vendor prices are set on the various beaches. We loved our afternoon snacks and lunches brought to us on the beach by the local vendors!

Enjoy …

 Fresh cut fruit; barbeque corn on the cob; spring rolls; barbeque chicken; fish; fresh doughnuts; ice cream and much more!  

Final Thoughts Banner

There you have it!

I’ve listed just a few tips, hopefully to assist in your holiday planning. I am sure you will enjoy a great vacation to Thailand and the Island of Koh Samui, as much as we did.

Be sure to check out the {Google Map} box at the bottom of this post for the island’s exact location.

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Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

It has been a few seasons since our last visit, if you have any updated information to pass on,
please do send me an email Contact Me and I will be sure to add it to this post. 🧐

   Did You Know …

“Tin Is The Most Important Mineral Found In Thailand.”
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