Post Last Modified – March 07, 2025 ¦
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The Many Health Benefits Of Traveling
Traveling can be a lot of fun and a wonderful experience. It can also be educational, inspiring a strong sense of appreciation for other cultures, around the globe.
Traveling around the world offers many different things to a lot of people. It has also been proven, that there are also, many …
Health Benefits Of Traveling
As we get older, taking care of our health should be priority one, especially for us; Baby Boomers and Retired Adults. Paying attention to good health and cultivating habits that will help us to live longer, and more comfortable lives, is important.
Traveling, has been proven over and over, to be of great benefit to you, and on so many different levels. Below, let’s take a look at just a few of the many health benefits you can expect, as a traveler.
First, check out this cool video from a medical doctor on … The Proven Health Benefits of Travel.
Proven Health Benefits Of Vacation – YouTube Video
Diverse Environments Help Boost The Immune System
When we were children, playing in the dirt was considered to be quite healthy. This is because exposure to bacteria and pathogens, actually helped our immune systems develop.
The more we encountered pathogens, the more antibodies (disease-fighting proteins) we created. This in turn, helped to ward off; future threats.
When traveling, we are definitely exposed to many more germs and viruses, to that at home. These might be carried around in the; water or food supply and/or, even transmitted via insects.
Nobody enjoys getting sick or being bitten by insects, but these are inevitable from time to time,
when we travel and while we’re at home. I’m sure most of us have experienced a bite or two or three, during our travels.
Every time you encounter new pathogens or bacteria on the road, you actually produce; more antibodies and …
Strengthen Your Gut
and immune system, in the long run.
Minor illnesses are a blessing in this sense, but of course, good hygiene practices are still very important!
There are definitely some illnesses out there that we all want to avoid at all costs. The fact is and that as we age, it’s harder for our bodies to deal with more serious illnesses. We need to give them as much assistance as we can.
This is so evident with the {Covid Pandemic} outbreak occurring worldwide, these last few years.
Sea Exposure Brings Physical And Mental Health Benefits
Studies have concluded, that swimming and floating in seawater, is both calming and mood enhancing.
Interestingly, floating diverts the flow of blood toward the abdomen, from the legs upwards.
Fresh blood is then able to travel around the entire body more quickly, distributing fresh oxygen.
The results are palpable: your mental alertness increases and so does your physical energy level!
Swimming is obviously great for your health, but if you can achieve such benefits without moving at all, that’s got to be good news!
Floating also encourages a feeling of emotional and mental calm. Floating on the waves while listening to the subtle ocean sounds, is considered a form of; Meditation.
Scientists say that the sound of waves actually changes your brainwave patterns, inducing relaxation.
Then, there are the minerals available in the sea. Seawater is full of magnesium, which soaks into your skin and helps you, on so many levels.
Magnesium is known to be one of the most essential of minerals.
It regulates every other mineral in the body, helping you to; sleep well, reduces cramps and muscle pain. It is also believed to have anti-ageing properties as well!
What’s more, seawater in conjunction with Vitamin D from sunlight, can help the entire body heal itself, more quickly than normal.
Traveling Improves Brain & Heart Health While Reducing Stress
Any seasoned traveler knows, that travel involves a great deal of mental stimulation. It throws challenges at you, expands your awareness and asks you to adapt, to ever-changing; environments and situations.
This actually does wonders for your overall cognitive health. Each new experience and doing something, requires your brain, to form new; neural pathways.
Travel keeps you mentally sharp, with improved cognitive flexibility!
Traveling can also lower your heart disease risk, a big bonus for travelers in their later years of life.
Even if you only go on short holidays and/or get-a-ways, you’re doing yourself a huge favor. The {Framingham Heart Study} concluded, that those who traveled at least once per year, are less likely to; develop heart disease, have a heart attack and/or stroke.
These diseases are linked to diet and nutrition, but also strongly linked to .. Stress!
Photo by Riccardo Bresciani from Pexels
Holidays can reduce stresses, many of us didn’t even know we had in the first place. Not until we are actually away on the holiday, and can feel the difference!
On an emotional level, travel can help you to become more stable as well. All of your travel experiences can teach you overtime, to process challenges, without becoming over stressed.
You’re more likely to develop stronger social skills as a traveler, as well. Connections you make traveling, will flourish easily and more quickly. This too, leads to a very healthy mind and emotional life!
It may also explain why researchers have determined, that regular travelers, are less likely to become depressed.
Travel Can Increase Fitness Levels
Fitness may have always been important to you, but as we get older, it becomes more of a; necessity.
Keeping our bodies strong and capable, will help to prevent illness and enjoy good health, for a much longer period time.
Being fit and healthy, certainly makes traveling easier, both mentally & physically. Travel can definitely improve overall health & wellness, and help you feel younger too.
You’re away from home and more active, both physically and socially. It’s a great opportunity to interact with other like minded individuals, while traveling.
We also spend far less time sitting at home being less active, spending hours; watching television, as an example.
In other words, traveling is really a … Great Idea!
All that exploring, sightseeing and trying new activities that come with travel and vacations, keeps your body moving and alert. This will definitely help improve your; cardiovascular health, overall muscle tone, and mental health as well.
Keeping the body active should be a {priority}, throughout your daily life. Particularly for us retirees!
Daily walks on the beach, cycling around new towns; or even taking short; scenic hikes on your travels for example, will keep you happy and healthy. In most cases, without even having to make a conscious effort, because you’re enjoying seeing and doing new things.
Our daughter & girlfriend enjoying a beach vacation in Tulum, Mexico.
Looking at just some of the health benefits, it’s easy to understand how your life expectancy, can be enhanced by travel.
Reducing stress, building immunity, strengthening brain function, improving emotional stability
and keeping your body strong, can only be good things.
Below, I’ve added a link to The Chopra Center’s article on; 6 Reasons Why Traveling Is Good For You. Another excellent read and a little more inspiration to;
“Don’t Think About What They Say … Go See!”
The Chopra Center – 6 Reasons To Travel
One very important thing my wife and I do, to maintain our overall health & wellness when
traveling, is we take a daily; Probiotic
As well, a health supplement we’ve been taking for years now.
It is an {All Natural Glutathione Supplement}.
One that absorbs at a Cellular Level
If you are interested in learning more about {Glutathione} and its health benefits,
be sure to check out my article here on …
Glutathione For Max Health
and my additional posts on this subject.
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I Only Endorse Products/Services That Can Be Trusted & Verified & That I’ve Personally Used!
Safe and Healthy Travels!
All personal photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Did You Know …
“Traveling Can Effect Your Mood, Increasing Happiness & Relieving Stress.”
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The Health Benefits of Walking Daily
Healthy Plane Travel Tips – Infographic
Importance of Probiotics For Healthy Travel
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