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Taking Probiotics For Overall Travel Health {Importance}

Probiotics For Healthy Travel
Post Last Modified – March 03, 2025 ¦

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Taking Probiotics For Healthy Travel Abroad

If you and your loved ones are traveling away from home, both domestically or abroad,
then you should consider taking a quality line of …

Probiotics For Healthy Travel

This is especially important, if you are traveling to a foreign destination.

Did you know, a therapeutic strength probiotic is considered by health experts as the; Most Important supplement for traveling

Of course, taking a vitamin C or daily multi-vitamin supplement is great, but it’s definitely not as important as taking a; daily probiotic supplement for travel.

Let’s have look at some of the reasons why traveling with a strong probiotic is so important, and just what the benefits are for your overall travel health.

Why Probiotics For Travel Is Good For You

Healthy Travel

What Exactly Is A Probiotic

The word “probiotic” is used to describe {microorganisms} or in easier terms, good bacteria living in our gut that help to keep us healthy and alive.

Bacteria is usually thought of only as something bad, which is disease-causing or pathogenic bacteria. Keeping the correct balance between the; “good” bacteria and the “bad” bacteria, is vital for optimal health.

Healthy food choices such as a quality yogurt for instance, are great for maintaining this balance. But for those of us used to traveling, we all know these foods are not always readily available,
and what the actual content quality will actually be.

That’s why the benefits of taking probiotics, in a high quality supplement, is so important for healthy travel. When we do travel and especially abroad, we become susceptible to a host of; microbes or bacteria.

Ones that our bodies are not accustomed to and can make us ill as a result.

No fun at all!

Reasons To Take A Probiotic Supplement

Healthy Travel Tips

Travelers Diarrhea Prevention

Oh that 🤢 dreaded travelers nightmare that I’m sure, many of us have experienced at least once during our travels. I know I have and on numerous occasions in past years. This was especially so, when bottled water was not readily available as it is today.

In fact, 50% of travelers experience this horrible symptom when away from home. The main cause is bacterial contamination we ingest from; food or water. Both may be fine, but our bodies are just not accustomed to these types of {microorganisms or bacteria}, that are present in the food and water.

As a result and unfortunately, many of us get sick! 🤢

Keeping your intestinal tract and gut healthy when traveling and while at home, will assist in overall health and well-being.

Taking Probiotics Before You Travel

Travel Health

Health experts strongly suggest, that the best time to take probiotics, is at least one week before travel. This, to benefit best for overall protection from illness.

What probiotics do during this time period, will allow the good bacteria to form and establish themselves in the gut,
prior to travel. This will in turn, assist in keeping your immune system healthy, while away from home.

It is also suggested to continue using probiotics daily while away, and for at least one week after returning home from travel.

Choosing The Right Probiotic Supplement

GIB Benefits


Effective Ingredients When Choosing a Probiotic Supplement:

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: has been shown to help the body maintain intestinal microbial balance, assist in in minimizing the duration and intensity of digestive disruptions caused by antibiotics and other drugs, to support urinary and intestinal health, as well as provide optimal immune support.

Bifidobacterium Lactis: has been identified in the scientific literature for its contribution in the stimulation of the immune systems response, its ability to resist stomach acid in the digestion process, and the ability to attenuate various forms of digestive disruption and inflammation.

Bifidobacteria Longum: has been show in the scientific literature to assist with digestive disruptions caused by antibiotics, aid in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels,
help alleviate the discomforts associated with lactose sensitivity and boosts the immune system.

Inulin: has been shown in the scientific literature to assist in the transport of these probiotic strains into the lower G.I. tract, by protecting them as they pass through the highly acidic environment of the upper G.I. tract.
This ensures that the good bacteria you need makes it through the initial processes of digestion without being destroyed.

Healthy Travel Banner

Benefits of Probiotics

 Helps Absorb Vitamins

 Helps Absorb Nutrients

 Aids Proper Digestion

 Reduces Digestive Irritants

 Immune System Support

 Maintains Microbial Balance

Today, in our daily and most often hectic lives, stress, our environment, diet, medications and much more, can contribute greatly to a host of digestive difficulties.

Overtime, this can definitely lead to more serious health problems!

“Restoring the natural balance of beneficial bacteria within the G.I. tract may help to reduce digestive irritation, assist in the production and absorption of important vitamins and nutrients and aid in the proper digestion of the food we consume.”

Air Tahiti Flight Attendants

Final Thoughts Banner

There you have it!  

If you want to ensure you are taking all the necessary steps to help prevent illness, especially when traveling to foreign destinations, then I highly recommend taking a {high quality probiotic supplement}.

We always make sure we start taking a recommended probiotic supplement, both before and during our travels.

RKMD GI Balance

Whether you’re a business traveler, travel for a living like a; pilot or flight attendant, or simply heading out on that long awaited vacation, then do yourself a favor and start taking a probiotic supplement, especially when you travel.

Safe and Healthy Travels!

signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

This post is strictly to offer information to you on the enormous benefits of Probiotics & Glutathione.
It is based on my personal experience only.

All personal photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

   Did You Know …

“Contrary To Belief, Probiotics Live Throughout Our Entire Body & Not Just In Our Stomach.”
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