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The principle that ‘what you are, so shall you receive’ is central to the law of attraction and deeply ingrained in spiritual and philosophical traditions worldwide. Mindset plays a crucial role here, as whether we look at Indian philosophy, Sikh teachings, or global thought leaders, the underlying message is clear: our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes shape the reality we experience. The energy we emit reflects upon us, and by aligning our inner state with what we desire, we can attract the life we envision. This chapter explores these ideas through a blend of global, Indian, and Sikh perspectives and real-life examples.

The Law of Attraction: A Universal Truth

The law of attraction suggests that our thoughts and energy act as magnets, drawing circumstances, people, and experiences that align with our mindset. Books like ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne teach that our lives are shaped by our dominant thoughts and emotions. In the book, she writes, ‘You attract what you are, not what you want,’ reminding us that it’s not enough to merely wish for something—we must embody the energy of what we desire.

Similarly, in Indian philosophy, the concept of *karma* found in the *Bhagavad Gita* mirrors the idea that we receive what we put out into the world. As Krishna tells Arjuna in Chapter 4, Verse 17, “One who understands action, inaction, and wrongful action is wise among humans.” This means that our actions—whether physical or mental—create ripples that come back to us. The law of attraction, like *karma*, emphasizes that we must cultivate the right mindset to experience positive outcomes.

Sikh Philosophy: Hukam and the Power of Belief

In Sikhism, the concept of ‘Hukam’ (Divine Will) also aligns with the law of attraction. According to Sikh teachings, everything happens in accordance with God’s will, but we have the responsibility to align ourselves with the divine order through positive actions and pure thoughts. ‘Guru Granth Sahib’ emphasizes the power of intention and belief: ‘As you think, so you become’ (Page 466). This echoes the law of attraction’s core principle—that our mindset influences our destiny.

Sikhs are encouraged to live with humility, gratitude, and positivity, knowing that aligning with God’s will leads to inner peace and fulfillment. The focus on self-discipline and the cultivation of good thoughts and actions is key to attracting good outcomes. As Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, said, ‘The world is a drama, staged in a dream’ (Page Shri Guru Granth Sahib 736). This implies that while life’s events may seem external, they are often reflections of our internal state of mind.

Life Example: Oprah Winfrey

One of the most famous global examples of the law of attraction in action is Oprah Winfrey. Born into poverty, Oprah faced a difficult childhood with numerous challenges. However, she always believed that she was destined for something greater. Through hard work, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in her potential, Oprah attracted success, wealth, and influence in her life.

In many interviews, Oprah has shared her belief in the law of attraction, stating, ‘The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future by merely changing their attitude.’ By focusing on personal growth and maintaining a positive mindset, she not only overcame her struggles, but became one of the most influential figures in the world.

Example: Dhirubhai Ambani

In India, Dhirubhai Ambani, the founder of Reliance Industries, exemplifies the power of mindset and belief in achieving success. Coming from a humble background, Ambani harbored big dreams, but it was his strong belief in his ability to create wealth that set him apart. He once said, ‘If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.’

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Ambani’s story is not just about working hard but also about having the right mindset—an abundance mindset that allowed him to envision limitless opportunities. Despite setbacks, he maintained his belief in his vision, and eventually, his mindset attracted the success that matched his energy and ambition.

Bhai Vir Singh, a Sikh Poet on Positive Thinking

In Sikh history, Bhai Vir Singh, a towering figure in Sikh literature and thought, believed deeply in the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. Known for his literary works and spiritual depth, he wrote extensively about how one’s mental and spiritual state shapes their experience of life. His writings encouraged people to have a pure and positive mindset, always focused on the divine.

Bhai Vir Singh emphasized that by focusing on God’s will and remaining in a state of gratitude and positivity, we attract spiritual blessings and peace. In his poetry and essays, he discussed the transformative power of ‘Naam Simran’ (meditation on the Name of God) as a way to align oneself with divine energy, thereby attracting grace and protection into one’s life. His life was a testament to living with faith, positivity, and alignment with higher principles, which led to his enduring impact on Sikhism.

Mindset is the Key to Manifestation

In the modern world, many people focus on external efforts to achieve success—working hard, networking, and pursuing goals. While these actions are important, the law of attraction teaches us that the mindset is equally critical. As Napoleon Hill writes in ‘Think and Grow Rich’, ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’ This means that if you believe in your success, visualize it, and feel as if you’ve already achieved it, you’re more likely to manifest it in reality.

The importance of mindset can be seen in athletes, entrepreneurs, and visionaries worldwide. Studies in psychology show that those with a ‘growth mindset’—the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed—are more successful than those with a fixed mindset. This principle aligns with the law of attraction because it’s not just about external effort, but about cultivating an internal belief system that attracts positive outcomes.

Life Example: Shah Rukh Khan

Shah Rukh Khan, often referred to as the ‘King of Bollywood,’ is another excellent example of the law of attraction in action. Khan came from a modest background, with no industry connections, yet he believed from a young age that he was destined for greatness. His success is not just the result of talent and hard work, but of his unwavering belief that he was meant to achieve something extraordinary.

In numerous interviews, Khan has spoken about his positive thinking and the role of belief in shaping his career. ‘I truly believe in the power of dreams and positive thinking,’ he says, reflecting a mindset that aligns with the law of attraction. Today, Khan is one of the most successful and influential actors in the world, and his story is a testament to the power of belief.

Cultivating the Right Energy

Whether through the lens of the law of attraction, Indian philosophy, or Sikh teachings, the message is clear: our internal world shapes our external reality. The universe gives us what we think, believe, and feel .

By cultivating positive thoughts, focusing on gratitude, and aligning ourselves with what we want to attract, we become magnets for success, abundance, and happiness. As Guru Nanak said, ‘As you plant, so shall you harvest’. By planting seeds of positivity, belief, and faith, we can create a life that reflects our deepest desires.

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