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5 Top Tips On Going On A Family Road Trip — The Opposite Travellers

Road vacations are a fantastic pastime that everyone should partake in at least once in their lives. Summer road vacations with the family are a fantastic way to spend the summer. When the kids are out of school, you may start visiting the unique and fascinating locations that surround you. It is a journey they will cherish for the rest of their lives, so make the most of it. Make sure you incorporate things to help enjoy your road trip and make it as stress-free as possible.

Where Are You Going?

The first step is to figure out where you’re travelling to and what sights you’d like to see. The best way to go about this is to involve the entire family. If the kids are included in the decision-making process, they will be more enthusiastic about going and may even come up with some great suggestions. If you know your children have summer projects or schoolwork to complete, and you can include the trip into that to assist them, you will be even more helpful, and they will be more motivated to complete the task. When planning your trip, keep in mind that it is important to be practical. Check to see whether places you will be passing through have a lot of traffic, as you may want to make a pit stop there. You don’t want to be caught in a congested city at rush hour after driving for hours. Allow adequate time for frequent breaks and enough wiggle room and an opportunity to stop in larger cities and densely populated areas to prevent delays and long periods of time stuck in a traffic jam.

Stretch Your Legs

When travelling with children, you will undoubtedly make more stops than you would like for potty breaks and to allow them to stretch their legs. Use the break times wisely and get as much as you can from them. Because being surrounded by all of your luggage can feel very claustrophobic at times. So go for a walk and settle down on a nearby bench with a cup of coffee and something filling to eat. It also allows your kids to run around and expend some of the energy they’ve accumulated from sitting in a car for such a long time

Keep The Kids Occupied In The Car

Because you’ll be spending so much time in the car, there are a few things you should do to make it as delightful as the destinations you’re travelling to. The drive is also a fantastic and unforgettable element of the road trip experience. The first thing you should do is thoroughly clean it both inside and out; driving a car that looks brand new will put you in a good mood. Then you’ll want to make sure you have enough activities to keep the youngsters occupied. You might develop a quick and easy car scavenger hunt for them to see if they can spot different things while driving and then reward them if they finish the list.

Another excellent technique to keep youngsters occupied on long vehicle rides is to employ technology in a variety of ways. Rather than idly scrolling through social media or playing mindless games, they may use the time to learn a new language, study where they are headed and what activities are available, and a variety of other academic activities to help them study while on the road. When you are on a long journey and you have children who get over-excited or have difficulties then it can be very daunting, make sure you bring their comfort item whether that is a teddy or an anxiety toy to keep their hands busy. It is also good to get the tablets and phones on a full charge and get some films downloaded on Netflix or Disney Plus so they can watch them without the internet. It will keep them focused and engaged as well as hopefully help the time go quicker for them. You can also download some new games on the tablet so that they can play them while you drive.

Make Sure You Bring The Snacks

Long car trips will always involve snacking; you can’t exactly sit and eat a full meal until you reach a rest break, so having nutritious nibbles is essential for any long drive. You’ll feel sluggish if you eat junk food all day, so opt for popcorn, boiled eggs, and veggie sticks instead. If you stop at a restaurant or for something to eat on the way to your destination try to opt for protein and fibre enriched foods as they will keep you fuller for longer. Having something greasy and full of sugar will have you having a sugar crash and feeling awful while stuck in a car. It is not the best combination.

You Never Know What May Happen 

Just like anything else it is important to be prepared for anything, as much as you try, you cannot tell the future. You may have an accident or break down and have to wait while you are rescued or helped. Having some things in the car for ‘just in case’ will benefit you greatly in those situations. Include things like a first aid kit, protein bars and bottles of water in case you find yourself hungry and thirsty. You can also add in a tyre repair kit so if it is something small you can try fixing it yourself. You should also get LED tactical flashlights in case this all happens in the dark so you can see what you are doing. Just as big things can happen, be prepared for the small things, get a bucket of sick bag in case your child gets motion sickness, have a spare set of clothes in your bag in case they are sick or simply spill a drink on themselves (it happens!) This means you can change them without having to go through huge bags of clothes and get all stressed out.

Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash

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