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In transit: #GuiltyPleasure | Sophie’s World Travel Inspiration

4 Oct 2024

Peeps, I’m in the KLM lounge at AMS just now, which btw is huge and fancy-schmanzy.

I usually don’t bother, unless I’m very tired and there are sleeping cabins. Other than that, lounges are, well, a bit boring. But my flight is delayed, so I have time on my hands and go for a walk.

Suddenly there’s all kinds of commotion, singing, chanting…

Turns out there’s a rally going on – or more a sit-in, I suppose: a bunch of people, sitting down just outside the lounge entrance, demonstrating against frequent fliers (ooops!)

Police officers are keeping an eye on them and keeping them behind some sort of flimsy barrier. Heard, but not seen. Now I have to check out Lounge52, of course, the arch nemesis. But they’re blocking the escalators, so I’m escorted to the back stairs. And just like that, a lounge – and a delay – got interesting!

Every food and drink you’d ever want is available here. Should I take some out to the protesters? Some sandwiches, maybe… and some of the vegan carrot cake… (although, TBH, it tastes kinda like grain…)

On a more serious note, they do have a point. Food for thought. How to see the world in a more sustainable way…

  • Fly less? (challenging, when you want to go everywhere)
  • Fewer journeys, longer stays (how to combine that with being in the office twice a week?)
  • Trains instead of planes? (to Surinam, Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Kiribati? Not realistic.)
  • Carbon offsets? (yes, though that’s almost too easy)
  • Minimise luggage weight? (my bag today weighs 3.8 kg, #KingOfTravellingLight)
  • Direct flights instead of connections? (I live in Norway, good luck with that.)
  • Choose airlines that use biofuel? (SAS and KLM do, so there is that).
  • Economy instead of business? (Natch. Makes sense financially, too.)
  • What else?

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